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Showing posts from December, 2013

'Tis The Season... For Injuries?

With my blog being called "Engaging Sports and Personal News," there is just going to be a little bit of every kind of post ranging from things in the sports world to... Well, my own world. Hence the "personal" part.  So maybe that wasn't the best "punch line," if you will, for this blog entry, but I was not sure if I had stated that yet and I felt that the audience should know... Plus, I couldn't really wrack my brain enough to come up with something clever for my third entry. Honestly. Now, I'm sure that it doesn't take someone who lives under a rock to realize the severity of injuries that can come about from sports. Whether these injuries end up being career-ending, long term or maybe just something minor. I occasionally have a debate with myself and always ask, "have injuries really increased in sports since around the 1980s-'90s, has the severity of multiple injuries increased, or have these "new rules" in selec