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Showing posts from November, 2013

City Girl?

Post number two! Hopefully I am getting better at this. Enjoy! You might think that if someone lives around a small county or in a small town their whole life, they just learn to love it. Well, this may seem a tad bit blunt, but if you are thinking this... You're wrong. I think it is safe to say that all who grow up in a small town don't learn to love it; the small town living just isn't for them. Okay, okay... Yes, I am talking about myself. I grew up in a small town, moved to a smaller town when I was about 8 and have remained ever since, but I have never felt like I really fit into the small town lifestyle. I am actually counting down the days that I will be moving out of this crazy small area. Now, don't get me wrong, there are things that I love around here. Things such as my family and the close friends that I have here, but they don't have to worry... I'll be back to visit... Sometimes. I believe that my love for the big city first began about two yea

Rookie Status

Okay... I am rookie at this whole blogging business so if this first post is a little rough, that will remain my excuse. I thought that I would start out my first blog entry with what my whole Blogger name is all about; Engaging Sports and Personal News. Now, if you aren't new to the whole sports world then you might have an idea of why I went with the acronym, ESPN. If you are not familiar with all things sports, ESPN should sound a little bit familiar, but I will go ahead and give a brief background. ESPN is actually a Disney network. Everyone loves a little Disney, right?! I know I do! ESPN is, in a nutshell, a sports broadcasting network that will stream anything sports, 24/7. Different things within sports as well. Things such as entertainment going on within the sports world, whatever interesting that could be going on within teams, players, coaches, locker rooms... When I say, "all things sports," I mean it! So there's that. You might be putting a couple pie