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Showing posts from January, 2015

Positive Impact of Social Media, What?!

This generation, we have all heard it before that social media is the devil. It's not just me, right?  Would it be crazy of me to bring light to the positive impact of social media? Some may say absolutely, but I am going to give it my best shot.  I know first-handed the impact of social media. From personal experience, I have felt extreme encouragement from social media; Twitter mostly. I would almost go as far as saying that Twitter is like my niche. A blessing? Yes, most definitely a blessing for me.  Twitter is an amazing opportunity for professional athletes and/or those who are in the business to interact with some of their greatest fans. And there are MANY that do just that!  Luke Winn, Senior writer for Sports Illustrated. With that being said, I would like to give my readers a few of my personal experiences that give me the right to say how much I appreciate social media. A couple of iconic people who I highly admire that have interacted with me on Twitter a

A Tribute To A Cool Man

The man who really lived up to being "as cool as the other side of the pillow" was the man who brought the phrase to life.  Stuart Scott. Upstanding individual seems like an understatement, but it's the best I've got. It's a shame that I was never able to know him personally, but like many other fans and viewers of him, Stuart Scott has inspired me. Doug Ulman, president and CEO of the Livestrong Foundation, stated, "One thing Stuart may never really understand is the impact that he has had on people all around the world." When I heard the news, I was stunned. Instantly shocked and heartbroken. What Stuart Scott brought to the organization of ESPN and to the world of sports is indescribable... And that's not even the most upstanding part of his life. Many who knew him personally spoke on Scott's role as a father and just as a person in general.  Many of Stuart Scott's colleagues spoke on the father that he was to his two daughters,