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Showing posts from March, 2014

Are You Too Hyped? Bring On The Madness.

Can I just tell you all how excited I am for all of this Madness to begin?  You all have your brackets filled out, right? Surprisingly enough, I have actually recruited a couple of my friends to fill one out who have never filled one out before... Let me repeat that; never filled one out! Yeah, I had to hear it twice, too. One of them filled out one bracket and wanted to do another one. It is quite addicting, isn't it? I have to do at least seven. One just isn't enough.  It seems like each year I get more and more excited. I take a look at this year's teams and the caliber of the players from most of the teams and I just think, "I wonder what CRAZY thing is going to happen this time... Or should I say crazy thing(S.)"  Louisville's celebration last year. Repeat? There could be a number of upsets this year due to some underestimating, if you will, ranks. Maybe there will be a back to back Champion? Louisville has quite the potential to do it... As